One of the sectors of society that needs to be praised on regular occasions is the celebrity industry. The entertainment value from the industry is priceless.
One of the biggest celebrity gossip stories to hit the waves over the last month was the Joost ‘doos’ Van Der Westhuizen haish movie. Allegedly, I say allegedly because none of this has been proven and I don’t want the askria knocking on my door for info, Joost was seen in a haish video with a woman, who could or could not be a sharmooto. In the movie, Joost was seen doing Cocaine, sniffing it off her stomach mind you, and engaging in a 29 minute oral sex session.
There are conflicting reports about this. Joost says it is not him because the sabbah in the video wore polo socks and has holes in his kelsoon. Joost also says that the sabbah has a bigger zub then him.
Firstly who will admit the fact that the sabbah has a bigger zub then you, that’s just thik! Also claiming that Amour doesn’t buy him polo socks is a weak argument as the sharmooto could be a freak and asked him to wear the socks. And the fact that his kelsoon has holes in just points to the fact that Joost is a dirty bastard!
Anyway we digress, apparently the video was produced to blackmail Joost, perhaps the sharmoot wants money, perhaps Joost dissed her when they met at a bar in Hatfield long ago.
Heat magazine is adamant it is Joost in the video. In the latest issue of the magazine, the journalist involved produced pictures of Joost on the field and Joost in the video and various distinguishing features, such as a f’d up finger and a scar above his navel is present in both pictures. THE SAGA CONTINUES! Apparently, Luke Watson is a suspect in the matter after a spectators board at Loftus indicates that Watson also wears polo socks and is as equally dirty as Joost, because he too has holes in his kelsoon.
Apparently, psycho case Michael Jackson is planning on making a comeback, This comeback will include a world tour of immense proportions. One of the stops is here in SA.

I was always a fan of the bastard and liked his music. Granted his sexual orientation is highly questionable and there wont be mother leaving their 10 year olds with him, but SA is the perfect place for him to tour. The last time he wanted to come here he was a young black man, now he is middle aged white woman so he wont be recognised.
The question is: Is Jackson touring because he is short of Tom?, Is he touring to run away from Sheikh Abdullah Bin Haman Bin Isa Al-Khalifa?
Just to give you an overview on how heavy the situation really is, Jackson was looking for a place to hide in 2006 after getting chirped nearly everywhere he went. After striking up a good friendship with Sheikh Abdullah, the Sheikh of Bahrain, Jackson relocated to the country. I was living and working in the United Arab Emirates at the time, and Jacksons relocation caused a stir.
Anyway so Jackson has been living in Bahrain since 2006 and has been quietly watching his former fortune get eaten away by lawyers and the credit crisis. Wanting to do something good for society, Jackson was planning to record an album to aid Hurricane Katrina victims. He had no Tom, so he asked Sheikh Abdullah for £4.7 million to record the album. The Sheikh loaned him the money, but is now suing Jackson after no album was made!

Robbie Wessels is at it again, the plank has made a new song that will no doubt be a hit in Parys. The Poena is Koning star has just recorded: JAN JAN JAN, which has been used in the player 23 advert on MNET. Mind you he was responsible for the Afrikaans version of the survivor classic ‘Eye of the Tiger’, if only Stallone knew!
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