Driving to work yesterday the bullet nearly shat itself after I heard that violence marred a TV debate.
Thinking that there was actually rauling on the TV I spent the last two days trying to find out what did happen.
Allegedly, I say allegedly because none of this has been proven and I don’t want the askria knocking on my door for info, supporters loyal to the African Ninja turtle Congress had a heated confrontation with supporters of the Democratic Alliance at a Slaap Staad TV debate. Fists flew and blood was spilled on the street outside of the Cape Town City Hall!
No one seems to know who won the fight, but I don’t think its very wise causing kak in the Cape, anyone remember PAGAD, those oaks have just been too quiet for too long!
But what did you expect from the African Ninja turtle Congress, their bladdy leader Zumatello sings about people taking up their machine guns on a number of occasions.
ZUMATELLO!....... THE STRUGGLE IS OVER MY FRIEND! As General Bantu Holomisa. said, put down the Mshini Wami and pick up a Laptop you rocket scientest!

But this is not the first time violence has marked this election campaign. In February, Morning Live fashioned video evidence of AZAPO supporters bum-rushing the stage and beating down African Ninja turtle Congress speakers on the stage in Port Elizabeth. Apparently they were pissed off that their leader only got 15 minutes on stage while the African Ninja turtle Congress got 45 minutes!
Its seems like racism has reared its ugly head in rugby once again.
The latest incident involves Lions super 14 Forwards coach Leon Boshoff. Boshoff was apparently so pissed off that his team lost the way that they did against the Stormers that he gave the whole team (not only the forwards) a tongue lashing of note.
After the Lions returned from Slaap Stad, Boshoff asked head coach Eugene Eloff to leave the room that they were occupying in order to tongue lash! He proceeded to call his team spineless and told colored players, Earl Rose and Laurence Sephaka that the only reason they have, and will ever, make a success is because they are players of color.
Rose took exception to this and phoned his old man to complain. Me thinks Boshoff is lucky that he never got steeked met a mes!
Granted the Lions did play crap, and granted Rose and Sephaka are not the best players in the world. But if you have a problem with the players rather terminate their contract then go 1975 on them! That’s just perpetuating the cycle of thought that all Afrikaans people are racist.
Mind you, Boshoff wasn’t a player of note himself. In fact, he was somewhat of a journeyman. He was a member of the 1999 Lions team who won the Currie Cup competition. He has also played for Western Transvaal, the Cats and SA A.
This is clearly not a good picture for the game, especially for the Golden Lions Rugby Union who have launched a massive campaign to curtail racism at Ellis Park after a racial abuse incident in the crowd at a Springbok match at the ground last year.
When shit like this comes out, I always find it amusing how people think they can keep it quiet! LEON………. YOU CANT KEEP SHIT LIKE THIS QUIET! WE ARE NOT IN A COMMUNIST STATE……... YOU CANT KEEP SHIT LIKE THIS QUIET!
Boshoff will be lucky if he finds a job in South Africa after this incident.
But how does shit like this get out.
It can get out in two ways. The players involved can run straight to the media or the unions media liaison officer runs to the media. Either way, once the media finds out, it’s a slippery slope!
The same happened last year when allegations arose that “someone” had a haish video of Springbok coach Peter De Villiers pumping in the backseat of his car in Stellenbosch.
After the incident, it emerged that it was the Springbok’s media liaison officer that had the tape.
The most famous incident of rugby shenanigans came before the 2003 Rugby World Cup.
In an effort to galvanise the team and to build team spirit, Springbok Coach Rudolph August Wilkens Straeuli, otherwise referred to as “No Personality” Straeuli took the team on safari to Kamp Staaldraad.
The camp was a series of humiliations, with the ultimate being the whole squad thrown into a pit naked listning to the Haka on repeat!
When this got out it was priceless, the culprit: Mark Keohane, the Springbok’s Media Liaison officer at the time!
It seems like the media officers are actually rat bastards who content themselves with pimping information!
Despite my initial estimations that the Lions wouldn’t do to badly this season, it looks like they are going to struggle! But it wont be because of the players of color, its because the team doesn’t have a decent scrum half and full back!
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