April the 22nd is the day that the ANC looses the election.
Or so believes Helen Zille, but then again, anyone who is the mayor of Slaapstad will make statements like that while high something.
April the 22nd is once again going to be a significant day in South Africa’s future: The Lion of Lebanon is going to vote for the first time!
Yes election time again.
I remember the first democratic elections in 1994, I was a lighty in Std 4 and we were given three days off school, so that the teachers, and the matrics, could go and vote. But that was not the highlight of the time.
My funniest memory from the time is how the NP made South Africans believe that all the infrastructure is going to break down when the ANC took over, this sparked a massive drive to Spars and Pick and Pays by every white person in South Africa to buy tinned beans and candles.
My mom wasn’t innocent in this matter, so me and her went to Spar to buy a few cans of beans and candles just in case the rumors were founded! While at Spar we saw a family member of ours who lived next door to us at the time putting cans and cans of beans in his trolley, while his wife had another trolley filled with packets and packets of candles.
We asked him why he was doing this and he was convinced that South Africa would go into civil war and the provisions were necessary. Mind you this was coming from Eugene Terreblanche’s first body guard. No seriously, the was Eugene Terreblanche’s first body guard. In his pub he used to have the old South African flag on the one wall and the AWB flag on the other wall. He also had enough gats at his home to invade a small country.
Nothing this amusing will happen this time around, however, the road to the 22nd of April has been amusing.
The biggest shock was the split in the ANC. Terror Lekota and Nasima Sheloa got so pissed off with the lawlessness in the ANC,

Since the forming of the party there has been a mass exodus of biblical proportions from the ANC to join Cope.
And it is mildly amusing because there has been copious amounts of mudslinging going on since Copes formation.
Most of this was don’t by 2008 South African Rocket Scientist of the year Julias Malema. Who is not short of priceless words.
He started pissing people off when he said that the ANC Youth League would kill for ANC President Jacob Zuma, people questioned his morals, his intelligence, and

Then he went on the campaign trail for his president talking shit left right and center. He was seen at the Tshwane University of Technology addressing protesters having a dig at Education Minister Naledi Pandor calling her a fake minister with a fake accent! By the way, Pandor is a ANC member, so he is dissing his own party!
Two weeks later he was having a dig at: the DA calling them a Mickey Mouse organisation, Cope calling them a bunch of angriests, and the IFP calling them rabble-rousers
When the DA responded, Malema took offence, because how dare anyone question

Please someone tell me what the F Michael Jackson tactics are?
The IFP thanked Malema for his statements because they were tantamount to campaigning for the opposition!
A must have in order to vote is a valid ID book. And there was a rush to get one. But I really feel sorry for the people in the pictures in this post as they have to present these ID Books to their IEC offices.
The ANC will win again, there is no doubt about that, but the question is, do you want a missing Ninja Turtle to lead your country?

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