In a distant time
And far away place
The planet New Texas floats deep in space
Sky of three stars
Land of precious ore
The carrium rush brought outlaws by the score
Then one day a law man appeared
With powers of hawk, wolf, puma and bear
Protector of peace
Mystic man from afar
Champion of justice, Martial Bravestar
Eyes of a hawk, ears of a wolf
Strength of a bear, speed of a puma
Ok, so only some of you will know what the fek I am on about while the rest of you will think I’m psycho. Which I am slightly.
The discussion came up over lunch today about crap we used to watch in the old days, back in the 80’s, and the common thread of Bravestar came up.
For those who don’t know who Bravestar is, it was a cartoon back in the 80’s about an American Indian marshall who would stuff up hoodlums using the powers of a hawk, a wolf, a puma and a bear, which were bestowed onto him as a lighty by a shaman.
Yes I am aware that the creators of these cartoons were probably high on some shit most of the time, but this was a good cartoon.
This put on a very heavy trip of nostalgia, recollecting the programmes I used to watch on TV as a lighty.
One of the biggest shows in South Africa during the 1980’s was the A-Team, I’m sure everyone has come in contact with the A-Team at some point, but for those who haven’t basically the A Team was a bunch of soldiers from the Vietnam War who were arrested and convicted for a crime that they didn’t commit. They escaped from the PO PO and hid in the LA underground where they survive as soldiers of fortune. Basically, if you had enough money and you can find them, you could hire them.
Once again the creators of the show were on some shit when writing the stories, because in one episode, they are hired to flush hoodlums out of a convicted building in the Bronx. Why I say this is a bunch of crap is because surely if this was the case then the A-Team would have already had a go at rectifying the Nigerian Embassy in Johannesburg, otherwise known as Ponti!
Shaka Zulu was also HUGE in the 1980’s, just listening to the title track: we are growing that send chills down my spine some 15 years since the show was aired. Here the creators were on less drugs, the series shows the expansion of the Zulu Empire under Shaka Zulu, King of the Zulu empire. Who led the only army to ever defeat the British army with no projectile weapons. This occurred at The Battle of Islandwana.
There is just something about watching the Brits getting stuffed up that fills my heart with pride.
One of the first sporting events that I watched as a lighty was the

Then came the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, once again, cartoonists on drugs. Any story that revolves around a bunch of mutated turtles with ninja capabilities that eat pizza and are trained by a rat is a show on drugs. What makes it even worse was the whole “re-branding” attempt. The public, especially the Japs, felt that ninjas were not the right image for the

Other things big in the eighties, besides drugs and cartoonists using drugs, included Michael Jackson, dressing like, Michael Jackson, hairstyles, and fekd up fashion.
Just as aside, this has nothing to do with the post, I was at gym last night and as I walked in there was a middle aged wanger, please read wangers and mash below, talking to another dude , who was surprisingly fully clothed. So the wanger asks the dude if he has his skipper license, and the dude with his clothes on asks "Is this for boats?" I literally stopped in my tracks and had to stop myself from laughing. Because excuse me, I so use my skippers license to drive my feking car on the road! ONLY IN THE SOUTH MY FRIEND, ONLY IN THE SOUTH!
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