Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why Whitney was popular


I don’t usually update my blog twice on one day but the death of Whitney Houston really shocked the music world.

I was a fan of Whitney, but I also never realized that there were so many fans. But looking back I can see why.

Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross and Gladys Knight were the first iconic black female singers and they had a generation of followers. Because the African American’s are so community and family focused the younger generation wanted to follow and love the same type of music their parents did, but they needed a new role model. And along came Tina Turner.

She was the icon for her generation, and like the generation before, the new generation wanted to do the same and needed a role model and along came Houston.

Although I hate Valentine’s Day (see post below) I am not opposed to romantic music. Her cover of Dolly Parton’s I will Always Love You is a rare occasion where the cover is better than the original and I Have Nothing is a decent love song about what love is actually about. In fact that whole Bodyguard soundtrack was very good.


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But as with all high profile people, the public will focus on the negatives.

There are rumors that she died of a drug overdose and then people will say: she had all the money in the world why do this to yourself?

Let me tell you something, you don’t know what demons she fought on a daily basis. And yes all of us have demons, trust me I know, it’s just that some of us can fight them better than others.

That does not mean you all need to go and find a hammer to help crucify her. If anyone has a bad word to say about Houston I’ll tell them the same things I tell people about Michael Jackson.

Judge her by her music not by her character, that’s God’s job.


Can you honestly say that you have no demons that you face on a daily basis?

Mei jua daima kuwa kabla yenu, na vivuli nyuma yako!

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