After an hiatus of nearly two years! Finally...The Lion has come back to life.

And what better stage to make his comeback then on the greatest stage of them all! The Arab world hitting a self destruct button and imploding in on itself!
A few months ago we saw a few mad Egyptians engaging in running battles with the Askria because they thought that a certain Mr Hosni Mubarak outstayed his welcome at the helm of the North African giant.
And rightly so, Mubarak has been in power ever since the assassination of Anwar El Sadat in 1975, making him one of the longest serving heads of state in history after Muammar Gaddafi and Omar Bongo.
So the people of Egypt rallied together, gathered in Tahrir Square a couple of times, sang striking renditions of : "hell no we wont go!" and threw stones at the cops.
Mubarak eventually said that he would step down, as long as no body busts a cap in his ass as he walks in the streets...there was no guarantee of this, and he already said that he would step down, so he went into political exile in an unnamed country.
Incidentally the last African dictator to die in exile was Big DADA (real name: Idi Amin Dada).
We digress. After Egypt it was, and still is Libya.
Officially, the reason for the unrest in Libya is that the public is tired of Gaddafi's almost 40 rule of the country where the rich get richer and the poor starve to death with no jobs. Unofficially, according to Gaddafi, he is the victim of a evil plot by Nestle.
Gaddafi said that the trouble in Libya started because Nestle was adding LSD and hallucinogenics as an incrediant in chocolates destined for Libya, and only for Libya, the youth of the country ate these chocolates and whent mad, and then stirred up trouble!
After Libya it was Yemen, Bahrain, and now Syria!

What does all of this have to do with SA, well, we had our own problems in the past and it now election time which means that there will be at least one service delivery protest a week leading up to May 18. Should violence spark up, lets just hope Zumatello does not let this country go the same way that Egypt and Libya has gone.

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