Sot the Lion of Lebanon made his usual Easter pilgrimage to the land of the Zulus and buy all accounts it was a very relaxed and chilled holiday. Nothing like Easter 2010.
I departed the shit-hole that is known as Johannesburg at 6:30 am on Good Friday hoping to beat some of the traffic which would have departed at 8 am. Well, lets just say that this was not the case. bumper-to-bumper traffic greeted me to the extent that it took me 3 hours to travel a measly 80 kms. This set the tone for the day and what should have been a 7 hour trip to Durban took me 14 hours.
Be that as it may, I was doing the brotherly thing and delivering the family hound to my brother who recently relocated to Durban. And I was happy to do so as this hound is a serious chick magnet. He is a thoroughbred Miniature Dachshund which has the ability to melt the hearts of the female race as I found out to my great satisfaction. When we stopped at a petrol station to fill up the car and to stretch our legs the hound, who's name is Cowboy, attracted a crowd of woman to him greater then that of Tayler Lautner and Justin Bieber combined. all and sundry wanted to touch him and a few telephone numbers exchanged hands. Apparently being a journalist is a noble occupation which makes you a man of intellectual substance, which is apparently what women look for in a man.
I carried on the Easter tradition which I started last year by taking in a rugby game at Mr Price Kings Park.
Fortunately there were no drunken brawls and guys calling their girlfriends whores. But the quality of women at the rugby was of the highest quality.
It really says alot about the differences between people from the Highveld and the Coast. In Joberg one dresses casually to the rugby, jeans sneakers and a t shirt, and smart/casual to clubs, jeans smart shoes and a collard shirt. But at the coast one dresses to kill going to the rugby and very casually when going to clubs.
Case in point: At the rugby there was this Drop Dead Gorgeous Blonde number walking around the upper stands close to where I was sitting. She was of the particular quality which quite literally made male jaws drop to the floor. Now she could have been dressed in anything and still been the most attractive woman at the stadium. But she wore the shortest miniskirt known to mankind, and I have seen a few very short miniskirts in my time, a button down white blouse which was barely containing her assets which were screaming blue murder to be let out of their current case of incarceration, knee high stiletto heeled boots and celebrity styled aviator sunglasses.
Common sense would tell you that this girl is significantly over dressed for the rugby and would have been more suited to clubbing in such attire. But it was not the only incident of that nature at the stadium. I then cased my eyes towards the student stands where the Thundercats and Thunderfelines sit for dirt cheap and here again, you have 18 year old girls dressed for the sole purpose of picking up a squeeze for the evening. Apparently its the place to do so in Durban!

Dressing up for the Rugby is a big thing in DBN
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