People of the Lions Den massive.
I have officially met the least likely person I would marry. Ok fine, i have met a few people like that, but given enough alcohol intake I might become very friendly with them. But not with Tharuna Devchand.
She works with me, and although we are good friends, she has the most irritating personality traits which would make men run miles. They are listed below.
Please ladies, if you want to get your man to want to spend the rest of their lives with you instead of just dala-ing ** you. Read below.
Irritating Personality Trait 1:The maniac laugh followed by mental instability
True, this could be put down to a wicked sense of humor, but when you are deep in thought and working, and the whole office is quiet, and then all of a sudden there is this laugh that would make Jack Nickelson look sane. It becomes irritating. It feel like your whole life is a cartoon straight out of Loony Tunes with this girl, and it isn't fun!
Now just picture scene. Its 1 am in the morning and you are deep in sleep and the your wife breaks out the maniac laugh.....Id kill her! the part in the wedding service where the priest says: Till death do you part will be a self fulfilling prophesy.
Here is a joke she told in the office the other day: what you you call a fly without wings? A walk! And then she bursts out laughing! Only a person suffering from mental instability would find that funny. Um NEWS FLASH THARUNA! HERE IS A FUNNY JOKE: what do you call the driver of a car that has a mattress on its roof? A prostitute making house calls!
Irritating Personality Trait 2: Argue for purpose.
Its kind of like fit for purpose. But every time you open your mouth about something expect an argument. This really grates my balls and was a major reason why me and my ex are not together anymore. There is nothing more soul destroying and spirit breaking then being continuously harangued and argued with.
Irritating Personality Trait 3: Being surgically attached to their Blackberry
Ok...whoever invented Blackberry...F##K YOU PANOCHA. There is nothing more irritating then a person constantly looking down at their phone when you are having a discussion with them. And...AND...when you are in the same room as them and they completly ignore you in favor of their Blakberry! BONA DEA!
Irritating Personality Trait 4: Talking to the brick wall
Talking to the brick wall is when you say something to someone...while in conversation with them...and they dont hear a word that you say! Talking to a brick wall in this sense is more gratifying!I HATE THIS! I HATE THIS! I REALLY REALLY...REALLY HATE THIS!
Irritating Personality Trait 5: the non talker
This point does not apply to Tharuna because she has verbal diarrhea. There is nothing worse then going on a date with someone and they dont talk. It can be a first date or a 100th date. TALK DAMMIT!, interest me woman! it is different if they are just your friend and there is no sexual chemistry between you. But if you want to Dala her, you'll want to talk to her first or else she is nothing more then a prostitute that is not going to be paid!
**:- Dala and Dalaing- will be profiled in the next Word of the Day post

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