Friday, December 21, 2012

Loving Someone Completely. A hard feeling to describe.


My Niggas!

If 2012 has taught me anything, it has taught me that when a window closes, a door opens.

I can truly look back at the year and say that I have experienced one of the biggest life changing events of my life…Falling in love with the girl of my dreams.

A lot of people have asked me what it is like being in love. How do you know you are in love? That question is both very easy and very difficult to answer.

It’s very easy in the sense that when you talk to the person you think you love and your knees go weak and you all of a sudden lose all train of thought. You are in love my friend.

But it’s difficult in the sense that you go through a lot of changes when you fall in love. Changes you never thought would be possible. The thing is you don’t realize that you are going through these changes until someone points them out to you.

I tell you solemnly. To open your heart to someone is the greatest gift you can ever give. And when they open their heart to you in turn you have reached perfection. If you had asked me earlier in the year if I would be feeling the way I do now. I would have laughed at you.

But now every waking minute spent with my girlfriend is a blessing. Loving her is an honor. Hearing her voice, which is sweeter than anything I have heard and will ever hear in my life, brightens my day. Knowing she loves me warms my heart. Feeling her in my presence is as if time is suspended and there is no days hours ands seconds there are just moments spent with her and moments spent without her.
I like the way her hair falls around her face. It formes the perfect frame of a picture of beauty the like of which I had never seen before and most likely will never see again. The frame draws attention to her amazing eyes. Eyes that sparkles like the richest purest diamonds; Yet all of the riches in the world cannot compare with looking into those eyes and knowing that no matter if the whole world is against you, one person cares for you.

The sound of her voice settles my soul. It whispers…like the wind blowing over the grassy plains. An inner peace that lets you know that no matter what challenges you face, that voice will bring you home.
I could talk about her touch and her kiss, but if you don’t love the persons soul you are doing an injustice to three important people. The first is God because he made more than just a body, the body is merely the outer personification of a richness that is the purest, most understanding, greatest and rarest beauty on earth. The second person is the object of your affection and the third is yourself.

What can I say about her soul then? A loving heart that knows no bounds, that’s full of inspiration. It lets you know how special you are; a treasure to the nation. Her soul is like that treasure chest, its riches unknown. For all of the gold and silver in the world can never compare with being cared for by her.

At the time of writing this originally, we were both so overcome by emotion that we did not know what to make of these feelings. But we know now that these feelings was love taking its foothold into our hearts. Telling us we will be beginning a journey of a lifetime that will change our lives forever.

How do you know when you love somebody? Well when you are prepared to do almost anything for them, then you know that you love somebody.

And all you want to say is three words: I LOVE YOU. (even if the first time you say it is over google chat)

And all you want to hear is four words: AND I LOVE YOU.

Till next time my Niggas!

What Does the End of the World Mean?


My Niggas!

I am talking to you from what is supposed to be a post Mayan Apocalyptic Hell…and as predicted. Nothing happened. The world didn’t end. There were no energy pulses which realigned our polar magnitation (whatever the hell that is). The world is still turning. We have overcome!

But overcome what? In the lead up to today I have been doing a lot of reading up about the Mayans and their 2012 prediction. And it turns out that they actually predicted the end of an era and a new awakening of consciousness. Hollywood constructed the whole world ending in 2012 storyline.

But again…if the “Mayan Apocalypse” is supposed to be ushering in a new awakening of consciousness…and awakening of what?

Some nutcase that works with me in the office asked me if I watched the TV last night (which I didn’t as I was engrossed in catching up on some series on my laptop), he said that mass media was slamming every form of formalized religion known to man and the world will become one faith…the faith of humanity.

Excuse me? In order for that to happen you will have to stop the Palestinians from trying to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. You will have to convince India and Pakistan to share a spot in this so called “Shared Heaven” and you will have to convince the Muslims so share a spot in this so called “Shared Heaven” with the “Infidel Americans”.

These things have been happening since the dawn of time and major efforts (that have all failed) have been made to stop these things from happening. I fail to see how a civilization that has been dead for thousands of years are going to achieve this from beyond the grave.
If anything, the new awakening of consciousness that the Mayans have ushered in would be turning back to religion. There are for to many people in the world who don’t have a faith. And who believe in nothing. Although, like my girlfriend, I believe that Catholicism is the one true faith, I am tolerant of other religions and do see merit in some of the teachings of these religions. But these ‘evolutionists’, you know the people that say we evolved from monkeys, must piss off. Because if you can’t see the beauty in perfection and appreciate that only God can create an object of such beauty, then you need religion.

Till next time my Niggas!

Mei jua daima kuwa kabla yenu, na vivuli nyuma yako!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Next Being 30 Experiance: Facing The End Of The World!


My Niggas!

I bid you greetings for the final time in 2012.

It has been a big year for me, a year of a lot of change, one of the biggest changes will be discussed later in the post when I describe what it has been like falling in love with the most beautiful girl in the world and the changes that both of our lives have gone through since we have met.

This topic actually does connect in some arbitrary way to my first topic.

Those of us not living under a rock will know that this is the last week of the world’s existence. Yes people…the Mayans have blown the final whistle on existence. According to them December 21 (Friday) is the day we meet our maker.

Quite personally I don’t believe in this bullshit for a number of reasons.

Firstly…if they could predict the end of the world, could they not have seen the arrival of the Spaniards in the 1500’s which all but wiped out their existence from the face of the earth?

Secondly…I’m a devout catholic and believe firmly in the teaching that no one but God knows the time and date for the end of the world. And this is not to tease us. This is to make us live each day as if it were our last day on earth in order to prepare us for the day which will come like the thief in the night. Apart from Forgiveness and Loving Freely, this to me is the corner stone of the Catholic Faith. To live a good Christian life everyday as if it were your last on earth.

Repent and your sins will be forgiven before the rapture.
Nigga Please
Thirdly… there were a lot of people who wrongly predicted the end of the world and have been left looking like a bunch of fools. And rightly so. Some idiots predicted the world was going to end on May 5 2000 because all of the planets were in perfect alignment and who can forget Y2K?  But one of the funniest predictions in my opinion had to be the prediction by a bunch of ‘happy clappie’ Christians who saw it fit to put up billboards saying that the world was going to end on May 21 2011. And guess what….I’m still here more than a year later.

But I am being very cynical, because in a sense a small part of my world did end in 2012. The world of me being lonely and worrying about wanting more from life.

It amazes me how when you open your heart to beauty and let a hint or suggestion of it come in, it can make a serious foothold in your heart and change you forever. I was going through one of my stages of thinking if this is all that life has to offer when a friend of mine suggested I talk to her friend. I did so and little did I know it would take us both on a journey of a lifetime. A life changing journey.

But how does this relate to my first topic? Well when you love someone with all your heart the way I do, your life changes completely.

You end up counting the seconds of joy in your life as opposed to counting down the hours until the end of the work day. You end up smiling at any little thing as opposed to scowling at the beggar just asking you for a chance at a better life. You learn to laugh like a child, which is never a bad thing because there is nothing more innocent and pure than a childs laugh. But most of all you learn to say I Love You instead of looking for ways to hurt people.

My girlfriends life has changed too. She has told me on a number of occasions that she finally has a man in her life who loves her the way she deserves to be loved and appreciated her beauty. She has also learned to put up with a lot of crap because I am admittedly not the easiest person in the world to get along with at times. But this to is also because she has learned to say I Love You once again.

Love brothers and sisters is one of the most pure things in the world. And it is an emotion all need to feel at least once in their lives.

The picture below was taken on my first date with my angel. And do you want to know why there is no way of the world ending on Friday? Because there is no way God will only give me one moment of beauty and perfection. I have a whole lifetime ahead of me to look forward to that.

Till next time my Niggas!

Mei jua daima kuwa kabla yenu, na vivuli nyuma yako!

The most perfect evening of my life.
With the most beautiful girl in the world