I love my slapstick comedy. American humor where there is alot of swearing and cussing. i mean you dont need to be a rocket scientist to get American humour.
Yet Brittish humour is very populor becsause of its wit and intellegence. But please! i dont want to need to think to laugh! F##k off with that! My whole family are fans of British humor and think I am on drugs because I dont like the Black Adder or Monty Python. But I am sorry, I just cant stand Rowen Atkinson!
Found this absolute gem of a Chopper Read peice
Yes Yes I know...I love Chopper Read! Get over it!
Because my ancesters came from Lebanon, and I lived in Duabi for 2 years, I find Arabic culture interesting and people making fun of it the best people in the world. I have already profiled the Tabbouleh Song by Go Rhemy which is still no my blog somewhere.
He has done a number of songs ragging the shit out of Arabic culture. Below is him ripping off the fact that Saudis love Audies.
and then here is a song that was oirigionaly done by a certain Mss Taylor Swift, whoever the f##k she is, that was redone and parodies by Go Rhemy:
And then this gem from Bernie Mac, may his soul rest in peace. This peice says it all.
Bernie Mac - My Sisters Kids. Watch more top selected videos about: Bernie Mac
Although I like to portray myself as this gangster boy who is 'down with the homies' I have never fired a weapon in my life. Well, next friday myself and a work college are going to remedy that! For R150 we get to shoot the shit out of targets for an hour with hand gunds (pistols, revolvers), rifles and shotguns! CANT WAIT! pictures will be taken and put up on this blog!