We are only in the Confederations cup and there are already significant concerns about hosting events such as the magnitude of the soccer World Cup in the country. The biggest concern is the park and ride system.
Under FIFA regulations, all access roads within 2 km of the stadium must be sealed off. This means that there is no easy way to get to the stadium. But the South African Rocket Scientists, who are among the best in the world, have come up with a cunning plan to overcome this.
Allow me to introduce you to E-Transi, a shuttle service that takes people from a designated park and ride pick point to the stadium. There are a number of pick up points and a number of busses to get you to the stadium without a hassle. Right? Right? WRONG!!!!!!!!!!
On Tuesday, the 5 times World Champs Brazil were playing the Yanks in a bit of a nothing match at the royal Bafokeng Sport Palace in Rustenburg. Apparently, the Rocket Scientists made such a stuff up off the transport that half of the ticket holding fans only got to the stadium at the end of the first half!
WTF??????????????????????? And then, at the game between Italy and Egypt, played at Ellis Park last night. About 10 000 fans had to wait nearly 2 hours for the bus pick them up to take them back to their cars. 2 hours in the middle of the Ghetto at 10 pm at night!

Just imagine it from a players point of view. You are used to 40 000 screaming fans in your own country, now you go to a foreign country where the crowd wears balaclavas over their faces, decorated hard hats on their heads, a irritating trumpet and they are carrying dictionaries into the ground!
But I suppose that Hard Hats, Vuvuzela’s and Balaclavas are better then taking a Vespa into the stadium.
At a Champions League game about 5 years ago at the San Siero in Milan, Inter was playing Manchester United, and were getting a hiding of note. About 15 minutes to go until the end of the game a Vespa scooter drops from the top tier of the San Siero onto the field.
Let me repeat that: About 15 minutes to go until the end of the game A VESPA SCOOTER DROPS FROM THE TOP TIER OF THE SAN SIERO ONTO THE FIELD.

How the hell did the Spaghetti’s get the scooter to the top tier in the first place, how did they get it past security, and how did they manage to throw it over the balcony onto the field?
So in South Africa you get dictionary wielding fans wearing a balaclava over their face, a hard hat of their head, and a trumpet in their mouth, in Italy you get a scooter thrown at you!
On my way to PE the other day I got hold of William Faure’s epic series of Shaka Zulu. This pleased me immensely as I grew up watching that and I was, and still am, infatuated with the whole myth surrounding the African Napoleon.
So I was googeling anything and everything related to Shaka and came a across a You Tube video of a simulated fight between Shaka Zulu and William Wallace.
It turns out there are some bored Yanks who have nothing better to do with their lives other then to think who would the most deadliest warriors in the world be, and create a simulated fight between them.
Although I think that this is the best thing out, because I am a fan of random acts of violence, the concept is a bit wrong.
The odds in the battles are really stacked in one particular sides favour. For instance, in the fight between William Wallace and Shaka Zulu, Wallace won. And predictably so. This is because he had superior weapons and was known as a warrior of some prestige. Shaka’s legacy was his military reform to his

In another simulated battle, they match up a Samurai Warrior with a Viking. Now this is an even match as both had the same style of weapons and a hunger of carnage. However, the Samurai won because the fight took place in a forest. With no snow. So once again the scales were heavily in favour of the Samurai Warrior.
The urban warfare between the Potato Eating IRA and the goat loving Taliban took place in a city, which favors the IRA as opposed to the mountains, which would favour the Taliban.
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