But when one looks at the situation objectively, one can see that no matter how much we bitch and moan about the situation nothing will change. So then why rock the boat, it’s a long swim to the shore.
Just as there are things that are explainable and things that are unexplainable, there are some things you can accept and there things you just cant accept, these concepts work hand in hand.
I got onto this bandwagon after going to church on Sunday where the 10 am mass was empty at 9:55, but then full to the brim by 10 am. Granted mass starts at 10 am and the people have to only be in by 10 am. But getting 800 people into a church in five minutes can be a bit of a mission particularly when you have every second Leb swearing each other.
For many years it has been asked but why don’t they come earlier if they know mass starts at a certain time, simple, because some Lebs are thick, that’s explainable. It is also explainable why they are think if you consider that Lebanese children are still being taken out of school in Standard Six.
Now that to me is unexplainable. How do you, as a parent validate taking your child out of school at the age of 14? And many people will ask: but does this practice still happen? Yes it does. I know of at least two families who took their children out of school at 14 years old. These children just become a burden to society and use their street smarts to fall with their ass in the butter and marry a rich husband, because this practice is very prevalent with woman, based purely on their looks. Surely this is unacceptable.

American comic Chris Rock explores the topic of unacceptability from a very American point of view, but it is very relevant and has international ramifications. He asked how the US government can find Saddam Hussain hiding in an underground bunker in the middle of the Iraqi desert, but they cant find Tupac Shakur’s killer, especially since Shakur was shot in Las Vegas, on The Strip, in front of Circus Circus Casino. And its so true if you think of it.
And this is only one of the unexplainabllities of America. The other one was the race to the moon.

At the end of the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis, the US and the Soviets were embroiled in a race against time to see who could get to the moon first. When a top American major was taken to task over this his response was: ”F the Russians, we are doing this because we can.”
F the Russians, we are doing this because we can WOW. If that is not an unacceptable excuse then I don’t know what is.
Unacceptability is not limited to the US. If fact, South Africa doesn’t do badly in the unacceptability department either.
We go into the world that is South African politics where it is really a ‘pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey’ situation to see who becomes the Minster of a department.

I mean WTF? Where is the link there? Is this not unacceptable.
Now we have a new pres. Pres JZ. BAYEDE NKOSI! Sorry, I got a bit carried away there. Anyway, we all know that JZ and unacceptability go together like coffee and sugar. So there is no surprise that last years Minister of Transport Jeff Radebe is now the new Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development.
What is probably the most unacceptable thing in the world is how the hottest woman in the world end up with the biggest pricks alive. Guaranteed that if you have a woman, with curves and bumps in the right places with a sharp mind and a great personality, she’s dating a doos! Fortunately I have broken that cycle. I love you my angel.
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