HAPPY NATIONAL CLEAVAGE DAY TO ALL OF THE MEN OUT THERE, and to the woman out there if you are that way inclined.
I discussed an issue with my mate while trying to break the 10 km barrior in 20 minutes on the bicycle at gym the other day and the topic swung to the appreciation of the female form while involved with a significant other.
I asked him if he was comfortable in his relationship to say too his girlfriend that another passing woman was attractive. He said yes and reasoned that his girlfriend will be happy to know that he can find other woman attractive, so long as he doesn’t touch.
Which leads me to my other topic of the day, going to strip joints when involved.
Now before I open the can of worms too far let me state that I am a good catholic boy and don’t approve on the CONTINUOUS FREQUENTATION of these den’s of inequity, but then again, I am a man so I wont say that I don’t ever go to them.
The last time I was there I was very surprised to see how many people were in the place for a weeknight. And was pondering how many of these people were involved or worse married. The waitress who was putting the drinks down at the table looked at me and told me in no uncertain terms that these people were involved and that they were there to get away from their wives, fiancé’s and girlfriends.

How bladdy sad is that! First of all, if you are going to a place like that your relationship is in shit! PLANE AND SIMPLE! If you need to go to a strip club to escape your significant other WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT SIGNIFICANT OTHER?
Single men in a place like that is a different story!
The dynamics of a strip club fascinates the hell out of me. We have discussed the first two attendee groups there, ie: involved men and non involved men. But what about involved men who bring their significant other to the place.
And this happens! When you walk into any strip club you are bound to find three or four couples at the place.
The last time I was there we were stuck at a table next to a couple. Every table dance the man told the stripper in no uncertain terms to focus her attention on his girlfriend! Rather then him! This sounds thick I know, but he then told me that it was to get his girlfriends confidence up. They both then went for a private dance. The reasoning behind this is simple. It gives the girlfriend the opportunity to look at the seduction of her boyfriend from an outsiders view.
The next group of focus is the foreigners, who always make a stop in their international tour because of the exchange rate. The girls can possible make up to 5 grand an evening should they pick the right men.
The last group are the men who are not allowed to be there for religious reasons.

I spent two years in Dubai and became familiar with the faces of the top celebrities and dignitaries from the region. On a night at ‘Uncle Lollie’s’ I was dumbfounded to see a top Arab dignitary walk in with a top Arab celebrity and get a table at the back of the place. Needless to say they were the focus of the evening.
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