Thursday, June 21, 2012

My next being 30 experiance: Battling Unemployment


I did not want to bring this up when it happened, but I am now in a position to talk about a significant life changing event which is another contributor to my Being 30 year.

I have recently found a job after spending the last three months on the unemployment line. Let’s just say things did not work out well at my last place of employment because of irreconcilable differences between myself and management.

There is a lot I want to say about my previous mangers and how they screwed me over. But as part of being 30 I have learned to treat it as water under the bridge. Plus…I am not keen on getting my ass hauled into court.

You really find out who your true friends are during this time. I have received a lot of text messages and phone calls of support from people which I really appreciate.

So what does this mean? Well I have left the absolute shit hole that is Martizburg for Durban where I am now a copy writer for a venture capital company.

My main focus is the technology world and my eyes have been opened to a WORLD of possibilities I never knew existed. I really am enjoying my time now.

So I scour the net for interesting stories. One of my recurring topics is social media and the effects that it has on society. A major drive is for companies to trend on these social sites, so what Boss Iced Tea has done is build a vending machine in Cape Town where people get free iced tea if they send a tweet about Boss Iced Tea with a specific hashtag. 

HOW AMAZING IS THIS? The company gets publicity because of all the tweets and its social presence is growing because of word of mouth advertising. Eventually Boss will establish itself as the iced tea of choice in SA.

Next up is the internet paying for a woman to go on vacation. Basically there is this bus monitor in the US who earns a small wage and just gets the shit abused out of her by some punk ass kids. 

Because the US is the US she can’t smack these kids or even refuse to transport their sorry asses. That would be the quickest way to the court room in front of a jury of your peers. So her family put news about the abuse on the net and an individual in Canada read this story and felt sorry for this woman. So he initiated a fund raising scheme where money would be raised for a holiday.

Their initial target was $5 000 (she earns $15 000/m) but the campaign has raised over $80 000 thus far. So there is a good possibility that they could raise over twice her yearly income. All money not spent on the vacation will still go to the lady.

Again… HOW AMAZING IS THIS? There are still people in this world who care. This woman gets abused by these punk ass kids and can’t do shit about it. The kids know this and will continue to abuse her. Unless something gets done by parents or school boards.

Look…I am not saying that I am a proponent of abuse and in some cases corporal punishment being banned is a good thing. But in this case I think we can all agree that the kids need the shit kicked out of them. Hell if I was on that bus there would be some blood on the floor. At the very least this woman should be allowed to refuse to transport these kids. Let them walk their ass to school. In South Africa (and I have seen this happen) if a passenger in a mini bus taxi says one thing to the driver about the sound in the taxi, the music in the taxi or the way he drives the taxi stops and the passenger gets their ass thrown out!

Two local stories now.

Apparently there are hearings in Durban because of the fact that there are Christian based public holidays and no public holidays for Muslims and Hindu’s and Jews and Buddhists.  So anyone who is non Christian has to take a day off to observe special holidays such as Eid, Diwali, Rosh Hashana and the like. This is a problem and I agree it is unrepresentative. But when I lived in Dubai (part of the UAE a Muslim country) I had to take a day’s leave for Good Friday and Christmas. This is a Christian Country…live with it.

But again we have to be respective so if they give those Holidays, Eid, Diwali, Rosh Hashana and the like, then good on them. I don’t have a problem with it. The government just mustn’t think of cancelling Good Friday and Christmas! F##k that shit. You want to give the Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists and Jews holidays (which they are entitled to I’m not begrudging them) then cancel Youth Day or Woman’s Day, because when Mandela dies you know we going to get a public holiday on Mandela Day. Leave the holy days ALONE. We only have TWO religious based holidays (Good Friday and Christmas) the majority of South Africa’s public holidays are STRUGGLE AGAINST APARTHEID based holidays and the majority of today’s youth don’t give an ass rats about what happened on Youth Day.

Second story.  The family of the winner of this year’s Comrades Marathon Ludwick Mamabolo have said that the current scandal surrounding him is race based.

You know what….seriously…f##k these people! Mamabolo was caught with drugs in his system after winning the race. How the f##k has he fallen victim to a racest? This is just an attempt by uneducated people who need to now shift the blame from the man. So they use the oldest South African card in the book. RACE.

I actually take offense to this as a white man. Its unacceptable. Because you will get a lot of uneducated mama’s and baba’s jumping up and down screaming RACIST RACIST in unison.

Really? The family must just f##k off and get over themselves. You son is a drug cheat. There is no racism involved! By you implying it you show yourselves up for the racists you are.


Mei jua daima kuwa kabla yenu, na vivuli nyuma yako!

Karen Klein the bus monitor who is getting a kick ass vacation after being abused by punk ass kids

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