I am aware that the chosen topic is a controversial one. These are my views on
a delicate matter and may not reflect the feelings of the masses.
Throughout my years as a participant
in the media industry I can honestly say that I have seen some pretty weird and
wonderful things. However, one thing always comes back to surprise me every
single time. That is the level of base stupidity in the world.
The US state of Oklahoma is currently
rebuilding after a devastating Twister (or as the rest of the normal world
calls it…a tornado) ripped through the state causing all kinds of devastation. The
tragic event left many people dead and countless others injured. Those that
have survived are now tasked with the burden of rebuilding their lives with the
event fresh in their minds.
If you want to read about how
tornadoes are formed, I suggest you visit this Wikipedia page which will give
you more insight. In a nutshell it is a natural disaster and is not, in my
opinion, an act of God.
This is also not the first time a
member of the public who has spewed in what my opinion is complete and utter
BULLSHIT. In 2012, chaplain John McTernan linked Hurricane Sandy (and a number
of other recent weather-related trends and natural disasters) on lesbian, gay,bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community and President Barack Obama's backing
of marriage equality.
"God is systematically
destroying America," McTernan wrote at the time. "Just look at what
has happened this year."
McTernan similarly linked Hurricane
Isaac with the LGBT community, pointing to the fact that the life-threatening
storm coincided with Southern Decadence, New Orleans' "Gay Mardi
"New Orleans is still hosting
Southern Decadence with open homosexuality manifesting in the streets of the
city," he wrote in a blog. "It could be that God is putting an end to
this city and its wickedness."
This is why I say it is bullshit… there
are plenty of examples in the Bible of where God was vengeful and sent
disasters to cleanse the world. He sent the great flood and even destroyed the
cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. He also rained down fire on Egypt because Ramses II was persecuting the Jews
But there are also plenty of
examples of God’s love. During his great mission Jesus preached that of all the
commandments that God gave to Moses, the greatest was the new commandment which
God sent Jesus to give. That is too love your neighbor as God has loved
I do not claim to be a great student
of Theology, nor do I even have any qualifications in Theology. But I feel that this love must apply to EVERYONE regardless of race, gender, religious standpoint or
sexual orientation. It is so warming to
see that after all of these years, Pope Francis has finally come out and has
said that even Atheists will be offered a chance to enter heaven.
I fail to believe that if Jesus
preached love, and if God sent his only son to die for our sins, that the
natural disasters discussed above are being sent by God as punishment for
It saddens me that people who don’t have
a clue about what they are talking about go out and make statements like those
made by Phelps Jnr and McTernan. It also saddens me that these people also believe
in Christ, but prefer to ignore all the teachings about love and tolerance.
This is a time that the Christian
faith should be coming together as a UNITED FRONT to pray for these people. Not
show the fractures within the faith.
Surely God would not sacrifice the
lives of hundreds of innocent people to cleanse the world of a few people who
support a gay sports star? And if the tornado was sent for that purpose (which
it wasn’t) why weren’t the people who directly came out in Jason Collins’
support affected?
There needs to be a serious
awakening in the Church regarding how we view and interact with society.
I am not here to slam the church or
its teachings. But for a long time there has been a particular line of thought regarding
homosexuality. And in the modern day and age I think it is drastic. In the past
I did think the way the church did about gays. But I became friends with a gay
person who works with me, and I can tell you now that he is a far better person
than 99% of the population. He has better morals and has a holistic view of society
and the world.
For all of the bad things that the
Christians have to say about the Muslims and the Hindu’s, they have achieved something
that we Christians have not – UNITY. There must be many within Islam and the
Hindu church who disagree with certain aspects of their faith, but at the end
of the day they come together and ACCEPT that their teachings are law.
I once watched a documentary about
Islam and a high ranking cleric came out and said that Muslims are not like the
Christians. They live their faith seven days a week as opposed to one. After
watching this I was livid and thought that he was being unfair to Christianity.
But how wrong is he? Are the actions
of Phelps Jnr and McTernan not proof of this? I bet you these men go into
church on Sundays and sit in the front row. They are the first to scream Halleluiah
when the word is being proclaimed. They are the loudest to say prayers and join
in the signing of hymns vigorously. And yet
they go out and act like this on a non church day.
I am by no means a saint. Far From
It! But I ask God every day to help me to live his word and teaching every day.
If I can try to follow some of Gods teaching of love and tolerance every day, I
have done my bit as a Christian.
God preaches LOVE and TOLERANCE. NOT
VENGEANCE. It’s time we as a Christian faith realize this and strive to live everyday
with a measure of God’s love. And it’s time for the Phelps Jnr’s and McTernan’s
of the world to change their rhetoric.
Mei jua daima kuwa kabla yenu, na
vivuli nyuma yako!
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