Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The return of : Just Like Obama...I want Change


I must firstly apologise for being so scarce and not updating this blog as often as I would like, but things did get a bit hectic and situations did not allow me to do so.

However I am back, and without giving to much away. There are alont of changes in store for me in the months to come. POSITIVE CHANGES, I HAVE NEVER FELT AS ALIVE AS I HAVE DONE NOW.

I cant give to much away because I currently feel like I have the FBI, the Secret Service, the CIA and the PO-LICE looking at each and everything I do. It pisses me off slightly because I am a 29 year old male who is a hard worker and people feel the need to act like the FBI with me!

Three topics to discuss today with one effortlessly leading into the other.

The first topic concerns who actually runs South Africa. this question came up during the ANC Youth League conference where South Africa's favourite Rocket Scientist Julius Malema got voted in for another term as the President of the youth arm of the ANC. The whole country is now in a flat spin because there is a good chance that one day Malema will be the president of the country. But as I pointed out to my colleges at work. There is no need for panic because there is no way in hell that the President of South Africa rules the country.

It is strike season and workers in the steel industry have embarked on mass action. In solidarity to them members of the petrochemical industry have joined them. This means now that there is a shut down at all engineering firms as well as at some petrol stations who might run out of petrol very soon because there are no deliveries taking place. These people go on strike, place high demands on government and government at the end of the day gives them what they want because while they are on strike, production in the country comes to a grinding halt.

Quite frankly I am sick of all of this shit! Just because they are unhappy, now the rest of the country cant work. Sure I am not completely happy with my job (nobody in the world is), but at least I have one and I have to go to it in order to earn money to survive. For that I need petrol. Which might not be available this week.

Fucking Panocha's we know you are unhappy! We get that! But stop acting like a bunch of spoiled brats, just because you don't want to work doesn't mean you have to affect the whole Fucking country!

And inland provinces feel the pinch the worst because they have to rely on petrol delivery from the coast!

So then move to the coast.

Easier said then done my friend. Its not like the job market at the coast can be described as 'buzzing & happening' plus. I am at the bottom of the proverbial job chain. White (or Caucasian for racially infatuated people) and Male.

The second topic to discuss is what people would give to have a fresh start in life. Everyone gets depressed at some stage or another, its a human thing. But when you consider what others don't have you tend to appreciate that your life is not that bad. I mean, at times I look at things like my work, my current living conditions and my social life and ask myself: Where are you going in life? But then I drive past a million outies on my way to work and think to myself that at least I am not like them.

But sometimes even with all you have, you look at these people and say: Fuck them...there is no way their life is worse then mine. When you hit that stage my friend. You have hit rock bottom, and the Arabs have a saying: Once you hit rock bottom...you need to walk through hell to get out.

What would you give for a fresh start? I mean, moving to the coast here in South Africa is all good and well, but you need to know that apparently there is 'no money' at the coast and you might have to take a cut in pay with the move. Some people will never do that. When you get used to a certain lifestyle, it becomes everything to you. And with a drop in pay comes sacrifice.

But I am a firm believer in that money is not everything in life. Nothing matters so much as those you love and family. Because you can have all the money in the world. All of it, and you will still end up in a little box like the rest of the people and end up in the same place where you cant take your money with. sure you can leave it to your family for generations to come. But with that money comes sacrifice my friend.

The third topic are the warning signs that you need to pay attention to in order to ascertain if you are currently unhappy with all that surrounds you.

This is very subjective as the warning signs differ from person to person. but I will talk about mine because experience has taught me that more people have things in common with you then you realise.

I snap at people and tend to become a person that I am not (and don't want to be) I am an Aquerian and like a typical Aquerian, I wear my heart on my sleeve and am highly emotional. Many people have often told me that it is easy to see when I am upset. I become a bit recluse and don't talk to people. I don't eat well (I have lost 10 kg's in 3 months) and I don't sleep. When I received the news that I was waiting for yesterday, it was like a breath of fresh air for me. I finally enjoyed a meal and slept like a baby for the first time in 3 months.

The common factor here is to look at how you are normally, and if behaviour changes, then you know you you are on that slippery slope to Rock Bottom.

Again, I feel that i have been a bit of a prophet of doom here and I apologise for that. But I feel that I am doing a favour to society, because if i can help just one person, I am happy.

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