An old friend of mine from my school days got hold of me last night and suggested that we meet up for a drink to catch up on the time where we haven't had contact.
You would think that this would be great seeing that the last time we spoke was when we were both at school 11 years ago. Because of this one would assume that we would have loads to talk about.
But something in the back of my mind set alarm bells off and I had distinct memories of an intense dislike for this person. So I did what i always do when I need to focus my mind: I had a hubbly.

And it came to me, it was like an epiphany, the reason I disliked this person was the fact that EVERY conversation you have with him turns into an argument. And I mean each and every conversation. You support one sports team, he'll argue that another is better. You tell him that you like the look of the new Audi A1 (which is almost as beautiful as a scantly clad blonde super model with a nice bottom and a good asset portfolio) and he will argue that the new BMW is a better car.
You get my point.
Although I like to portray myself as the Lion of Lebanon, I am only so when my blood is up. Other then that I am a pretty mellow and laid back person. As a friend I am actually very low maintenance as nothing really gets to me.
This comes after I got irritated by some Gamfoos Cape Town bergie who has nothing better to do with her life then announce to the world that she has a massive chip on her shoulder.
I hate people who think the sun shines out of their ass! Which is why I am keeping on the DL with a certain friend of mine because he has really let his love for himself get to his head.
Anyway so I copied and pasted my blog post about FIFA from the Lions Den to my Sports Blog: From Cuba with Love where I take on the role of the islands lovable dictator Fidel Castro.
So I get a comment from the Gamfoos in Cape Town obviously getting all Diva on me and throwing a small tantrum in her Gamfoos study at her Gamfoos house.

I mean really! My reply to her says it all. Along with a chip on her shoulder she then tries to twist my words to make as if I am this person who can do nothing but bitch and moan about South Africa. People...I love my country, yes I do complain, but at the end of the day this is the best country in the world to live in.
She then confirmed my thoughts about her attitude in her reply back to my reply!

Last year round about this time, I got so irritated with life that I just couldn't take the shit around me anymore. So i booked myself a holiday in the Kruger Park, by myself, no TV, no RADIO, no CELL PHONE.....F ALL besides me, nature, and a few bottles of peach flavored Mampoer! (South African bootlegged brandy).
I know myself, I am like a pressure cooker who bottles aggravation up until someone or something pushes me over the edge...And then I loose it big time! The only way to resolve this is to take a break and chillout!
Count down to Zambia: 11 days.
I am going for business, but I will also hopefully be afforded the time to do this at a little bit more of a relaxed pace.
An addition to a post which i did a while ago labeled: African Travel Essentials is MALARIA TABLETS!
Fortunately I have found an alternative to Mefliam ladies and gentlemen I introduce you to Doxitab.
This is a wonderful tablet which does not make you drowsy or sick when you drink alcohol while on the medication. In fact, while many other medications dont allow you to drink during dosage, Doxitab does. This is an essential in Africa because Africans are pisscats and like to turn these Idaba's and office openings into a huge party!
Besides, Mefliam made me hallucinate terribly. No jokes! Terrible dreams with Pink Elephants, being abducted by Maori Insurgents who torture me by threatening to eat me alive! (Not that Maori's do that anyway)

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