So as you all know by know, I am single again, and am trying to remedy this by going to gym and training until i fall over from exhaustion in an attempt to sort my shit out.
Because lets be honest, this whole yarn that gets spun to you in the media about loving a person for their personality really deals with the essence of a relationship once you are in one and not the honeymoon period when you dala yourself into a corner. In essence it is admirable, but has no bearing whatsoever for the initial stages of attraction.
Aira! The last thing I am thinking about when a see a girl with a nice ass, or a good asset portfolio, is her personality! Believe me, I am not likely to take a bite of her personality, but I am likely to take a bite of that ass within the first three months of our attraction.
And now I know all of the female audience will sit back and say: EEEEEUUUUUWWWWW! How can he say this? Its degrading to women! SIS! But cut the bull shit please. When you see a male that you like who is built to kill, you are not going to say: Gosh his personality is awesome! You think exactly the same things as me. The difference is I verbalize it, you people don't!
Another part of me being single, which is actually a bit pathetic really, is the fact that i build defensive walls which prevents people from getting in. And there is this girl at the gym which to me is the fittest thing out. And I have been building up the courage to talk to her, but every time i want to I stop myself. Two weeks ago I actually did speak to her and now we talk at the gym all the time. So progress is being made.
I give you an excerpt of a converstation between me and my mate Just-in explaining why in his words: "Im comming well" I do ask a question afterward and would like some feedback from the female audiance of mine.
Me: JUST-IN! Hows it boy?
Just-in: Nice Jon! Nice! I see you coming well with that bint boy.
Me: Surprisingly enough yes.
Just-In:Do you know why boy?
Me: No Just-In, tell me.
Just-In: Its because you are clean shaven boy.
Now the question is: Does being clean shaven or not affect the way women look at you? Bearing in mind what I said above about the laws of attracting and biting asses and all. Please people. PLEASE give me some feedback in the comment section. I am missing my goatee terribly but am willing to make this sacrifice if the ends justify the means if you catch my drift.
Also please vote on the online poll section to the right of your screen. I have noticed that I am to serious, so in an attempt to brighten the f##k up I have included this online poll element which will be very off the cuff and humorous.
Shookran in advance!
Personally, I like guys who are clean shaven, but the whole stubble effect is sexy on some guys. When a guy is clean shaven it makes him look like he puts effort into his appearance. Facial hair also has that nasty habit of making men look older than they really are. Hence why teenage boys are feverishly attempting to grow facial hair. A goatee isn't as bad as a full on beard or mustache, but still, I have always found guys who have them look like assholes. Why don't you ask said girl what she thinks about facial hair? Every woman has her own preference...
ReplyDeleteGeez Trace, SLOW DOWN NOW! I have only just plucked up the courage to have a conversation with her without fumbling my words like a doting idiot!
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, in most cases (with me anyway), we first notice a guy by his looks, yes. Huge Shocker. But, and here’s the thing J, so listen up (Trace will back me up): if he opens his mouth and he proves to be dim-witted or worse still, a totally arrogant jock, then he won’t get much more than a second glance. Those are the guys we have flings with (at varsity anyway) …. maybe (depending on the degree of dim-witted and jockness).
ReplyDeletePersonality comes into it a lot sooner than you’d expect. That said, for me if there’s no spark or chemistry (usually a combination of hotness and personality) the guy ain’t getting nowhere.
… And yes, EEEEUUUW!!! You could have phrased that “bite of that ass” comment a bit better. You’re definitely a lesson in how the male-mind works. I’m amazed I’m naïve enough still to be shocked
Re the facial hair thing: it’s different for every guy/girl. It suits some guys so well that it converts the clean-shaven preferers among us, but even then, less is always more. If the clean-shaven thing is working for you, go for it! I agree with Trace - ask her!!
Like i said Eleanor. You think exactly the same way as I do, except I verbalize it!
ReplyDeleteAnd maybe I will ask her about the shaving thing, in about a week or so. let me just enjoy having the courage to talk to her first!
Bull. I think the attraction to looks thing lasts longer for men than it does for women. And for some men, chasing tail seems to be much more important than a girl's shining personality. I'm pretty sure the opposite is true for girls.