So in honor of this particular individual (other wise known as a Con Man), I will reflect on South Africa's contribution to this particular race of individuals.

About two weeks ago, while having coffee in Nelson Mandela Square, South Africa's most wanted Con Man Dr Mandla Lamba was accosted by policemen who clapped him in irons and escorted him to the Sandton Police Station.
To give you a bit of a background on this man, he laid claim to being the country's youngest billionaire, being worth an estimated R2,1-billion, all of which was made by mining. He is listed as a director of a mining junior by the name of East American Resources who is in the process of acquiring a diamond project in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a gold mine closer to home in KwaZulu-Natal, and a number of other projects in Africa.
To be honest, I did give this man publicity within the magazine that I write for, but only under instruction from my editors.
Its seems that this man is a proverbial 'Jack of All Trades and a King of None' apart from scaling money from people.
My favorite story about this man is that he posed as an Angolan trainee pilot who was in SA to receive training. He asked a taxi driver to drive him all around Gauteng and promised to pay him in US Dollars. However, at a pharmacy he asked the taxi driver for R1000 to pay for the medication as the pharmacy wont take his American Express card. Because some taxi drivers carry that amount of cash on them, the driver handed over the money to Lamba.
He then drove Lamba to another pharmacy where again he asked the taxi driver for R800 citing the same excuse as before.
During the whole time that the taxi driver drove Lamba around, Lamba assured the driver that money aint a thang and that he would make good in US Dollars no less!
The driver then took Lamba to the Michaelangelo Hotel in Sandton, handed over his cellular phone to Lamba to make a call and waited for him to return.
After an hour he called his phone from a public phone and it was off. Lamba apparently made off into Sandton City R1800 richer and with a new cellphone to his name. Never to be seen until he got caught by the John-Law.
On reflection, I can see how certain individuals were parted of their money because Lamba is not your run-of-the-mill African male who goes off into two minutes of: eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-um-um-um-um- IN FACT -eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-um-um-um-um before trying to make any attempt at talking sense. This man is a smooth talker and sounds like he could actually have a doctorate under his belt.
People might still think that this man has got some serious cash behind him. But he is presently sitting in Sun City (other wise known as Diepkloof Prison) after failing to post bail of R50 000 despite reportedly being worth an estimated R2,1-billion.
Originally he was tried for attempted murder, four counts of fraud and theft. But every week, more and more victims of this man are coming out of the woodwork and their stories are priceless (below are some links to said stories) and you can bet your bottom dollar that a few more cases will be added to his list of misdemeanors.
Dr Mandla Lamba as a DRC Pilot
Dr Mandla Lamba as an Angolan Trainee Pilot
Dr Mandla Lamba and the Sangoma
And Finally
Dr Mandla Lamba tries to con JZ

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